Beyond the sky

Dangers from the Universe


A magnetar is a neutron star with an extremely powerful magnetic field, the decay of which powers the emission of copious amounts of high-energy electromagnetic radiation, particularlyX-rays and gamma-rays.

Artist's conception of a magnetar, with magnetic field lines







Magnetar has too much strong magnetic field of 10^14 to 10^15 gauss. It is 10,00,000million*10,00,000million stronger than that of the Earth.

When Magnetar rotates on its axis, the lines of magnetic field attached to it, have to rotate. These lines passes from the liquid core of magnetar. Therefore, at faster rotation, the rotation speed of solid and liquid layer are not equale. This tension increases day by day. And therefore, the solid layer breaks. When this happens, the energy of this tension converts into gamma rays, and spreads into the space.

At 27 january, 2004, one magnetar burst was happen. The magnetar was of 20 km radius and its speed of rotation was7.5 second. It has thrown 10,00,000 million * 10,00,000 million * 10,00,000 million * 10,00,000 million Watt energy in just 0.2 second. This energy is eqvivalent to the energy that our Sun can emmit in 2,50,000 years !! Due to this, the molecule of air in uppermost layer of Earth were got ionized and the uppermost layer of Earth was got expanded.

If magnetar burst happen in the region of space of 10 light years, it can .......


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