Beyond the sky


I'm excited to share a little piece of my childhood with you. Since my school days, the vast expanse of astronomy and space science has always captured my imagination. There's something truly mesmerizing about the mysteries of the universe, and it has been a passion that has stayed with me throughout my life.

Flashback to the year 2008: armed with a simple webpage designer tool and a heart full of curiosity, I created these few webpages that you see before you. Back then, the internet was a different place, and I enthusiastically hosted my creation on a now long-gone free webpage publishing site. It's amazing how time flies and technologies evolve!

So, why bring this project back to life after all these years? Nostalgia, of course! This website is a cherished time capsule, a delightful throwback to my early days of web application development. It's a reminder of how far I've come, the progress I've made, and the unyielding passion I still have for space science.

In a way, I consider this website my first college project, as it marks the beginnings of my digital exploration into the computer world and cosmos. From then till now, my passion for web technologies and astronomy - physics has only grown, and I am thrilled to share my enthusiasm with you through these virtual pages.

As you browse through the content, I hope you too will feel a sense of wonder and curiosity about the incredible universe we inhabit. Whether you're a seasoned space enthusiast or just starting your journey of stargazing, I invite you to join me in exploring the mysteries that lie beyond our world.

Thank you for visiting, and may this website spark your curiosity, just as it did for me so many years ago. Here's to the nostalgia of the past and the boundless excitement of the future! Keep looking up to the stars, for they hold the secrets of our cosmic origins.


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